Changes in University

The University just give us the basic, and sometimes it may be not enough. There a good number of people who study here and the dependence seems to handle all of us good for now, but just in my career (Anthropology), every year the enrollment increase ans thus the amount of students in the whole faculty. I don´t know if this happens in others careers but surely is the same.  And then there is always, and when I say "always" I mean the time from my first year until today, some place under remodeling or in construction. That is good, nice and, of course, welcomed because top management  seems to care enough about this campus, the problem is the noisy during classes, the constant dust and the lesser and lesser green areas. Yeah, everything here seems to be made of cement and the fresh places where you would be more comfortable, specially with summer being so near, are few. Not all the classrooms of the older building have air conditioning so have a lecture there with forty or fifty persons inside with you could be stressful.

About my own career, there are things which need to be improve too. One of them is the lack of a good introduction of Physical Anthropology during the first two years. That lack or insufficient view we receive really could generate a wrong image which would not be even near of what it’s in real. Also the is missing a real integration of Physical Anthropology in the time of speciality -from third to fourth year- withing the subject that are shared among the three areas of the career as ethnologist (i.e “Oceanía”, “Patrimonio y Sociedad”). Other clear problem is the few professors who already have a degree in Physical Anthropology meanwhile the rest comes from others faculties and are everything except social scientist. We have been trying to made a change through reunions, letters and petitions but for now it doesn´t seems to be a mayor problem for headship just like with the issue with English Professors. University of Chile as always taking their time -all the time of the world- to start doing things.


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