My English knowlegde

I wasn't good in English during elementary school, I remember having problems memorizing words, and every year was like that. Just memorizing things without really understanding them and by the end of sixth grade I can say, I just manage the most basics themes, words -objects- related to the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, my classroom, etc., etc. The classes were more on exercising and answering things in a book, with little or none feedback from teachers, so by the end of the class, most of my classmates -including me- were laughing, playing or doing anything else, except focus on English.

The most important changes came in my new school back then, in 2010. English's classes were in different dynamic, it demanded more participation from students and so my English improved a bit. Then, we had to read short stories -famous stories like the Secret Garden - summarized in twenty to thirty pages all in English. I liked these books a lot. They were a different way of understanding and studying this subject.

By the end of high school I was able to understand texts in English, not 100% but nearby 70% of what I read and was that the major weak I have. I better understand the language if this is an article or if this is written, but when is about listening I am 80% lost (maybe less).   I think, watching movies would be useful in this case, but is really boring for me at least so it left option of the music.

Whatever, written blogs is funny, not always but most of the times it is so I have nothing bad to say about this kind of activity. Even if in real life I wouldn’t have a blog in which gives opinions or write about different topics.  But, besides that, I still feeling I am not enough good in English and has passed around 15 years since I started. I guess I need to work harder.


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