Social Media

I've never been a fan of social media before because it always seems a bit odd to me the idea of sharing literally everything I feel and happens to me in a whole day with people who I can talk directly so I really dislikes Facebook the most, following by Twitter and then Instagram. It could sound weird but I have two Facebook. The first one was made for a request -an obligation- for one of my younger cousins. I haven't known anything’s of that account anymore after the first week of experiment I did of the web around ten years ago. My second account was made for a matter of "necessity" in High School, in a time where everything related to homework in groups were shared through Facebook so if I wanted to contribute to the final scored I needed an account. I don´t use this one except if I am looking for information about the university. 

Instagram is not interesting at all and Twitter seems to be more of a battlefield than a nice social media where a person can have a good time. Well, this opinion comes from the comments I've heard about Twitter. And, in a curiosity mode, I had entered to look conversations of certain topics related to the last feminist movement and a lot of opinions were more hate than actual arguments from both sides. 

But recently I have been more into Tumblr. At least is a nicer place than the others. By now it has been like that and I expect it to continue in that way. In Tumblr you can share texts, cites, photos, gifts, videos, audios and links (just like most social media) administering a miniblog in a slightly different way of Google. The thing I like the most is the good amount of artist of all kinds who use this social media to share their work.

Pics below belongs to "Daxnorman" a 38 years old artist in Tumblr:

Image result for daxnormanRelated image


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