An opinion about public transport

The Public Transport now and then seems to be an important issue the last years. I can say I don´t remember so much about the so called “yellow-buses” besides the deteriorated seats, the constant rattle of all the structure and the noisy engines. Then there is Transantiago with its larger buses, more modern –supposedly- and with a better connective inside the Capital, this means all these great things politicians were saying about the new Public Transport System but, and we all know this, failed to be true.

If it was in terms of comfy then the last system was better for me. It had padding seats which I think were more useful for long travels or for people who had to take more than one bus to reach their destiny. Meanwhile Transantiago’s seats are 100% plastic, hard and dirty plastic. About the cleaning it never was good for any of them mostly because a cultural behavior of hide ice cream wraps in spaces between seats, well, any kind of junk really.  

Then there is the problem of the amount of time people spend traveling by bus and the necessity of more than one. This criticism is very common for Transantiago when at the same time “yellow buses” are often praised for their long distances trips and their apparent efficiency.

But in a more positive way, the best thing about Transantiago by now is that it keeps bus drivers more safe from criminals than before and the payment at the moment to take a bus is quicker.  But the charges are pretty high too. I don´t know but for now I have better memories of the older system.


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